MapGuide API Reference
This schema governs the output of MgContextSpatialReader::ToXml(). What follows is a representation of the element hierarchy in FdospatialContextList-1.0.0.xsd. Frequency of element occurrence is indicated by adding a quantifier symbol (* for 0 or more, + for 1 or more, ? for 0 or 1 and nothing for 1) to the end of the element identifier.
FdoSpatialContextList ProviderName SpatialContext+ IsActive=<T|F> Name Description CoordinaetSystemName CoordinateSystemWkt ExtentType is one of scStatic or scDynamic Extent LowerLeftCoordinate X Y Z? M? UpperRightCoordinate X Y Z? M?
Here is output from the MgSpatialContextReader::ToXml method. The actual output has no newlines.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <FdoSpatialContextList> <ProviderName>Autodesk.Oracle.3.0</ProviderName> <SpatialContext IsActive="true"> <Name>SC_0</Name> <Description>Default Database Spatial Context</Description> <CoordinateSystemName></CoordinateSystemName> <CoordinateSystemWkt></CoordinateSystemWkt> <ExtentType>Static</ExtentType> <Extent> <LowerLeftCoordinate> <X>-1000.0</X> <Y>-1000.0</Y> </LowerLeftCoordinate> <UpperRightCoordinate> <X>1000.0</X> <Y>1000.0</Y> </UpperRightCoordinate> </Extent> <XYTolerance>0.001</XYTolerance> <ZTolerance>0</ZTolerance> </SpatialContext> </FdoSpatialContextList>