MapGuide API Reference
Defines various error codes returned by the Coordinate System API. More...
Static Public Attributes | |
static const INT32 | AFFZERO = 251 |
Denominator of affine is zero. | |
static const INT32 | AZM = 201 |
Y axis azimuth specification is invalid. | |
static const INT32 | AZMTH = 202 |
Great circle azimuth value is invalid. | |
static const INT32 | ConversionFailed = 1003 |
A conversion operation failed. | |
static const INT32 | CRTMM = 242 |
Invalid invalid cartesian useful range detected. | |
static const INT32 | DENRGN = 253 |
Invalid region code specified for Danish System 34/45 (1=J, 2=S, 3=B). | |
static const INT32 | ELEVEL = 254 |
Value supplied for elevated ellipsoid is outside acceptable range. | |
static const INT32 | GEOMM = 241 |
Invalid invalid geographic useful range detected. | |
static const INT32 | HMISPHR = 247 |
Invalid hemisphere specification (+1 = north, -1 = south). | |
static const INT32 | InitializationFailed = 1002 |
An initialization operation failed. | |
static const INT32 | InvalidArgument = 1005 |
An argument supplied to an operation was invalid. | |
static const INT32 | INVDTM = 236 |
Invalid datum name specification detected. | |
static const INT32 | INVELP = 237 |
Invalid ellipsoid name specification detected. | |
static const INT32 | INVPRJ = 235 |
Invalid projection key name detected. | |
static const INT32 | INVQUAD = 240 |
Invalid quadrant specification given. | |
static const INT32 | LAT = 203 |
Invalid latitude detected in definition. | |
static const INT32 | LATEQU = 204 |
Latitudes of defining points are equal. | |
static const INT32 | LLRNG = 238 |
Longitude range is too small. | |
static const INT32 | LNG = 205 |
Invalid longitude detected in definition. | |
static const INT32 | LNGEQU = 206 |
First defining point may not be on the equator. | |
static const INT32 | MAPSCL = 207 |
Invalid map scale value detected. | |
static const INT32 | MAX15 = 249 |
Eastern meridian is more than 15 degrees from the central meridian. | |
static const INT32 | MEREQU = 208 |
Standard meridians are the same. | |
static const INT32 | MRCAT = 209 |
Defining great circle is a parallel, try Mercator. | |
static const INT32 | MSCOEF = 210 |
Invalid coefficient value specified. | |
static const INT32 | NOREF = 211 |
System must be referenced to a datum or an ellipsoid. | |
static const INT32 | NOTNRTH = 212 |
Standard paralells are not ordered correctly. | |
static const INT32 | NRDATUM = 252 |
Non-earth system referenced to a datum. | |
static const INT32 | NRTHLAT = 213 |
Standard parallells are not ordered correctly. | |
static const INT32 | NRTHPNT = 214 |
Point defining Y axis direction incorrectly specified. | |
static const INT32 | NullArgument = 1004 |
An argument supplied to an operation was null. | |
static const INT32 | OBLQPOLE = 250 |
Invalid oblique pole specification. | |
static const INT32 | Ok = 1000 |
The operation succeeded. | |
static const INT32 | ORGLAT = 215 |
Invalid latitude value given for projection origin. | |
static const INT32 | ORGLNG = 216 |
Invalid longitude value given for projection origin. | |
static const INT32 | OSTN02 = 255 |
OSTN02.TXT grid shift file could not be located or opened with read access. | |
static const INT32 | OSTN97 = 253 |
OSTN97.TXT grid shift file could not be located or opened with read access. | |
static const INT32 | OutOfMemory = 1001 |
The operation ran out of memory. | |
static const INT32 | PLL90 = 217 |
Standard parallel location exceeds 90 degrees. | |
static const INT32 | PLLED = 243 |
Standard parallels must be equidistant from poles. | |
static const INT32 | PLLEQU = 218 |
Standard parallel locations are the same. | |
static const INT32 | PLLLRG = 219 |
Standard parallel locations not inbetween poles. | |
static const INT32 | PLLREV = 220 |
Order of standard parallels incorrect. | |
static const INT32 | PLLZERO = 221 |
Standard parallel location is zero. | |
static const INT32 | PLRLAT = 244 |
Origin latitude is not polar; use oblique form of projection. | |
static const INT32 | POLDD = 222 |
Poles are too far apart. | |
static const INT32 | POLDUP = 223 |
Poles are not sufficiently separated. | |
static const INT32 | POLLAT = 224 |
Latitude of pole incorrectly specified. | |
static const INT32 | POLLNG = 225 |
Longitude of pole incorrectly specified. | |
static const INT32 | QUAD = 226 |
Invalid quad specification detected. | |
static const INT32 | RNGORD = 239 |
Longitude range values out of order. | |
static const INT32 | SCLRED = 227 |
Invalid scale reduction value encountered. | |
static const INT32 | SOTHLAT = 228 |
Standard parallels are not ordered correctly. | |
static const INT32 | STDLAT = 229 |
Standard parallel is incorrectly specified. | |
static const INT32 | STDLNG = 230 |
Standard meridian specification is invalid. | |
static const INT32 | STDPLL = 231 |
Standard parallel specifications are invalid. | |
static const INT32 | STDSOU = 232 |
Southern parallel is equal to or north of northern. | |
static const INT32 | STDWEST = 233 |
Standard meridian must be east of the central meridian. | |
static const INT32 | TMKRG0 = 256 |
Transverse Mercator Kruger formulation requested with non-zero origin latitude. | |
static const INT32 | UNIT = 234 |
Invalid unit specification detected. | |
static const INT32 | USEPLR = 245 |
Origin latitude is polar; use polar form of projection. | |
static const INT32 | USESW = 248 |
Central azimuth is 90, use the Swiss Oblique Mercator. | |
static const INT32 | UTMZON = 246 |
Invalid value given for UTM zone number. |
Defines various error codes returned by the Coordinate System API.