MapGuide API Reference
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Executes the MgDeleteFeatures, MgInsertFeatures, MgUpdateFeatures, MgLockFeatures or MgUnlockFeatures commands contained in the given MgFeatureCommandCollection object.

The XML returned by MgFeatureService::GetCapabilities says whether a provider supports SQL commands. See Provider Capabilities .
.NET Syntax
virtual MgPropertyCollection UpdateFeatures(MgFeatureCommandCollection commands);
Java Syntax
virtual MgPropertyCollection UpdateFeatures(MgFeatureCommandCollection commands);
PHP Syntax
virtual MgPropertyCollection UpdateFeatures(MgFeatureCommandCollection commands);
commands(MgFeatureCommandCollection) A collection of feature commands to be executed.
Returns an MgPropertyCollection object. Each property in the collection corresponds to a command in the MgFeatureCommandCollection argument. The property name is the index of the command in the feature command collection.
  • If the command is of type MgDeleteFeatures, the property type is an MgPropertyType::Int32, and its value is the number of features deleted.
  • If the command is of type MgInsertFeatures, the property type is an MgPropertyType::Feature, and its value is a MgFeatureReader object. The feature reader object contains the set of properties inserted into the datastore by the insert command.
  • If the command is of type MgUpdateFeatures, the property type is MgPropertyType::Int32, and its value is the number of features updated.
  • If the command is of type MgLockFeatures, the property type is MgPropertyType::Feature, and its value is the number of features locked.
  • If the command is of type MgUnLockFeatures, the property type is MgPropertyType::Int32, and its value is the number of features unlocked.
  • For any of the above commands, if the property type is MgPropertyType::String, it indicates an exception had occurred for that particular command, and its value is the exception message. This only applies when the operation is not using a transaction

Reimplemented from MgLayerBase.